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The dominance the fossil fuel industry has on our way of life is evident. In the face of global disaster, the systems forged over centuries thrive against public outcry.

As organizations beyond borders, multinational conglomerates abide by limited values beyond personal growth.


Fossil fuel companies launch subsidiaries in order to skirt border policies and international legislation.


The following is the same map of subsidiaries and parent companies matched to their countries of origin.

Lines in the Sea

The below diagram maps the well drilling company's country of origin to the EEZ territory the well is located.

Who are these lines for?

If multinational organisations don't need to abide by the boundaries of these lines, then who are they for?

Oil and Gas Blocks.png

The move to renewables is following the blueprint of the fossil fuel industry. The legacy system continues many of the problems of the capitalocene.

Maps_Legacy System.png
Resources and Power

As part of the Democratic Energy movement, we believe that natural resources belong to everyone.

With fossil fuel, the excuse for profit through exploitation could be extraction, process, transportation...

But with renewable energy, there is no processing. There is no physical good to charge for. No one owns the wind.

Resources and Power.png

HAWTs have become our signal of renewable energy continuing the corporate, political and societal domination of multinational conglomorates

THIS IS_1.png
THIS IS_2.png
THIS IS_3.png

Mission Statement


To combat the concentration of power by collaborating and sharing openly from wherever we are.

Mission Statement Icons_1.png

To combat the comcentration of brain power, innovating as quickly and as openly as possible.

Mission Statement Icons_2.png

To combat the concentration of wealth by allowing individuals to benefit from the renewable energ boom.

Mission Statement Icons_3.png


Energy is not the only sector dominated by capitalist reign. Possibly the clearest example of corporate authority states are online spaces. As multinationals, there are limited consistent values or rules these companies need to abide by.

We talk, shop, learn, play, explore online.


In the digital age, we live in spaces that we have no say in.

We aim to channel the digital age's distribution and decentralization powers to upend the energy industry, unrestricting the ownership of resources.

The Ener.d Project

by Aadil Nagdawala

  • Instagram

for Atelier Infra.Space

Manchester School of Architecture, 2022

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